日本放射光学会誌 Journal of JSSRR |
Vol.29,No.3/May. 2016 |
【表紙の説明】 CsCuCl3結晶表面近傍におけるカイラリティドメイン分布の3次元再構成像。a) (001)面からのX線侵入深さおよび線吸収係数。X線のエネルギーに依存する反転比マップ(上面)および侵入深さ(側面): b) 8.992 keV,c) 8.987 keV,d) 8.985 keV,e) 8.984 keV。 TITLE: The reconstructed three-dimensional near-surface image of the chirality-domain distribution in the CsCuCl3 crystal. a) The penetration depth of the 00l (l=14) reflection and the linear X-ray absorption coefficient of CsCuCl3. The top surfaces are flipping ratio maps (40×10 μm2 with 2 μm steps) obtained at different photon energies: b) 8.992 keV, c) 8.987 keV, d) 8.985 keV, and e) 8.984 keV. The penetration depths of b) 10.8 μm, c) 12.2 μm, d) 13.2 μm, and e) 14.5 μm are schematically shown by colorization for the reconstructed tomographic image of the chirality-domain distribution. Excerpt from 10.1002/anie.201303023. |
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