日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.30,No.5/Sept. 2017


Visualization of multilayered thin films by X-ray reflection projection.The used sample is Zr(around 240 angstrom, circular pattern)/Cu(around 160 angstrom, uniform)/Au(around 150 angstrom, triangle pattern)/Si(substrate). Top: X-ray reflection projection sinogram obtained by scanning both grazing and in-plane angles. Bottom: X-ray reflectivity distribution in the sample, which is obtained from image reconstruction of the sinogram.

  *埋もれた界面の可視化 -画像再構成を用いるX線反射率イメージング-
桜井健次、蒋 金星、平野馨一(p.211)
*Visualization of buried interfaces:X-ray reflectivity imaging using image reconstruction
Kenji SAKURAI, Jinxing JIANG and Keiichi HIRANO
(7 pages, 2,991k)
南後恵理子、久保 稔、岩田 想(p.218)
*A three-dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin captured by X-ray free electron lasers
Eriko NANGO, Minoru KUBO and So IWATA
(10 pages, 3,083k)
菅 倫寛、秋田総理、菅原道泰、久保 稔、岩田 想、沈 建仁(p.228)
*Intermediate structure and oxygen-evolving mechanism of photosystem II revealed by serial femtosecond crystallography
Michihiro SUGA, Fusamichi AKITA, Michihiro SUGAHARA, Minoru KUBO, So IWATA and Jian-Ren SHEN
(7 pages, 2,335k)
  *中東放射光施設 SESAME
野村昌治(p.235) (3 pages, 2,641k)
  *The 1st Asia Oceania Forum Synchrotron Radiation Schoolに参加して
高木秀彰、富田翔伍(p.238) (2 pages, 1,224k)
和達大樹、片山哲夫、永村直佳、堀川裕加、山崎裕一、山田悠介(p.240) (2 pages, 1,416k)

■掲示板  ■会告  ■行事予定  ■日本の主な放射光施設のWeb Site  
■賛助会員名簿 ■ 編集委員会名簿、編集後記
