日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.31,No.5/Sept. 2018

0.33V2O5 は圧力温度(P-T) 相図上で,金属的な2つの電荷無秩序相CDO1 (n = 1), CDO2 (n = ∞),絶縁体的な2 つの電荷秩序相CO1 (n = 3), CO2(n = 5), 計4 つの比較的robust な相が1 GPa, 100 K付近の1 点で交わって4 重臨界点を形成している。この4重臨界点近傍で,非自明な高次高調波相n = 7, 11相が温度関数として,多少共存しながらstep wise に出現する。CDO2 で出現する-5 0 4 ピークは長波長極限(n → ∞) と解釈できる。また,この観測ではn = 9相が欠落し,電荷変調波が素数倍波長選択的であるように見える。

The higher-order (HO) phases of β-Sr
0.33V2O5 that emerge at the vicinity of tetra-critical point. The XRD peaks from the HO phases appear between k = ±1/5 and k = 0 = 1/∞ positions. (a)Wide range (0 < P < 2 GPa, 0 < T < 300 K) pressure-temperature (P-T) phase diagram of this compound. One can see the relatively robust four kinds of phases, conductive CDO1 (n = 1) and CDO2 (n = ∞) phases, and insulative CO1 (n = 3) and CO2 (n = 5) phases, meet at one P-T point around 1 GPa and 100 K in this diagram. (b) The typical XRD images in these four phases. The bold dotted lines show the k-axis. (c) The temperature evolution (1 K increment) of the XRD intensity profiles along the k-axis obtained from the XRD images that taken at 0.9 GPa. (d) Its macro-graph at around the -5 0 4 position, in which one can see the several kinds of the HO phases and their coexistence. (e) The temperature dependence of k-position of the highest peak of these XRD intensity profiles. Note that -5 0 4 (-5 1/∞ 4) peak is extinction reection in CDO1 phase and it appears in CDO2 phase. This means that CDO2 phase can be interpreted as long-wave-length limit of nb modulations. In this measurement, n = 9 phase seemed to be absent. Thus, we could expect the prime-number selective nature of the charge modulation in this compound.
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