日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.32,No.3/May. 2019

a. 2型糖尿病モデルマウスdb/dbと対照マウスdb/m.
b. SGLT2阻害薬による血糖改善効果.
c. SGLT2阻害薬による糖尿病性糸球体病変の改善.

Synchrotron Radiation Micro-Computed Tomography at SPring-8.
a. The db/db mouse is a genetic model of type 2 diabetes that exhibits progressive renal disease.
Obesity and hyperglycemia are evident in db/db mice compared with lean littermate control db/m mice.
b. SGLT2 inhibitor significantly ameliorates hyperglycemia in db/db mice.
c. SGLT2 inhibitor attenuates diabetic glomerular lesion (red arrow) in db/db mice (periodic acid-Schiff staining, Bars, 30 mm).
d. The axial image of the kidney of mice injected with contrast medium (left) and the glomeruli assessed by the program Amira (right).

佐藤 仁(p.147)
*Photoemission and X-ray emission spectroscopy on Yb-based compounds
Hitoshi SATO
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沼田圭司、 増永啓康(p.155)
*SPring-8 mediated structural analysis of silk materials
Keiji NUMATA and Hiroyasu MASUNAGA
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*Undulator magnetic circuit with magnetization vectors tilted at 45 degrees to enhance the radiation resistance
Teruhiko BIZEN, Ryota KINJO and Takashi TANAKA
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滝山由美、 世良俊博、 中村匡徳(p.168)
*Glomerular number and volume in diabetic kidney estimated by synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography at SPring-8
Yumi TAKIYAMA、 Toshihiro SERA and Masanori NAKAMURA
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千川純一(p.174) (2 pages, 364k)
伊藤 俊(p.176) (1 pages, 334k)

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