日本放射光学会誌    Journal of JSSRR
Vol.34,No.5/Sept. 2021

【表紙の説明】 (上図) X線1分子追跡法(Diffracted X-ray Tracking: DXT)を用いてカプサイシン受容体TRPV1の分子内部運動を解析した。ラベルした金ナノ結晶回折点の動きから、チャネルの回転運動を検出。 (下図) 計測はSPring-8 BL40XUビームラインで行なった。エネルギー幅の広いX線(左下:ピンクビーム)を用いることで、傾き(θ)と回転(χ)の2軸時分割マッピングが可能となっている。

(Upper image) Capsaicin-induced twisting motion of TRPV1 channel was observed by the Diffracted X-ray Tracking (DXT) method. (Lower image) In DXT, pink-beam X-rays from the BL40XU SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility elicited trackable diffraction spots from the gold nanocrystals attached to the target proteins. The trajectories were projected and analyzed on the χ-θ coordinates, separately.

北島昌史, 穂坂綱一, 河内宣之, 足立純一(p.251)
*“Housyakou-kagaku-jisshuu”, the Laboratory Training of Synchrotron Radiation Science at KEK-PF BL20A for graduate course students of Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Masashi KITAJIMA, Kouichi HOSAKA, Noriyuki KOUCHI and Jun-ichi ADACHI
(7 pages, 8,328k)
三尾和弘, 藤村章子, 倉持昌弘, 関口博史, 佐々木裕次(p.258)
*Time-resolved measurement of TRP ion channel dynamics and understanding of its control mechanisms using the diffracted X-ray tracking technique
Kazuhiro MIO, Shoko FUJIMURA, Masahiro KURAMOCHI, Hiroshi SEKIGUCHI and Yuji C. SASAKI
(9 pages, 12,655k)
  *International Forum on Detectors for Photon Science (IFDEPS) Virtual Thursdays 2021会議報告
今井康彦,宇留賀朋哉,亀島 敬,中嶋 享,杉本邦久, 平木俊幸,本城嘉章,初井宇記(p.267) (6 pages, 1,930k)
柿崎明人(p.273) (2 pages, 1,717k)

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